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Craniosacral Therapy

Find it, fix it and then leave it alone. Andrew T. Still - Osteopath (1828-1917)

What is craniosacral therapy?

Briefly explained in German by the Cranio professional association: (click on the logo)

Cranio Suisse
Cranio Suisse

In craniosacral therapy we work with thinking, feeling, seeing and knowing fingers. At least this is how William G. Sutherland, one of the founders of the method, described it. 

With gentle touches dysfunctions are detected and with just as gentle impulses the self-healing powers are triggered to solve them. The fact that the cerebral fluid moves in its own rhythm is not new, it was already described in the 17th century by Emanuel Swedenborg. Besides breathing and heart rhythm, every human being has its own rhythm of body fluid. This moves the tissues and can be perceived especially in the bones. 

Learning osteopathy used to be possible only for doctors. Craniosacral therapy is a further development from Osteopathy in order to make the benefits accessible to a wider society, as it can be learned by everyone.

My approach

Join a session of craniosacral therapy for stress relief and relaxation in Zurich. I am always fascinated by this very individual rhythm. The tracing, releasing and retracing is an incredibly regenerating work for body and mind.


Each session is different but the effect is often the same - a deep gratefulness for our self healing powers that everyone is bearing in oneselfes if we receive the right impulses and allow us the appropriate time.


The eyes are the visible part of the brain. In cranio, work is also done with the meninges and the mobility of the skull bones. In this way, tensions around the eyes can be traced and released.

I'm Member of Cranio Suisse

Cranio Suisse

While I am in Craniosacral Therapy training, I offer the treatment to a reduced price.

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